Women In Animation Chicago Chapter

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Twin Animators

This is an old photo of twins named Marylin and Madilyne
Woods. It was emailed to someone at work to show us. It turns out that they were animators/assistants in the 1940s at Warner Brothers. That is so cool to see other twins working in animation together, especially women in the 1940s! We’re totally fascinated by this, but we can’t find any info about them. Does anyone know about these twins?

November meeting notes:

Medical Animation:
This past WIA meeting we had Katy and Katy talk about the work that they did before hand and show some of their fascinating work that they have done for Medical Animation using both 2D and 3D animation.
The following are the notes that they shared with us:

December Event:
Priscialla Olson, a local animator, will be sharing her animation with us on Friday, December 7th @ 6pm in the screening room 402 on the 4th floor of the 1104 S Wabash building.

January Meeting:
Our next meeting is in January and we will have Patrick Cheng give a presentation on Flash. The date isn't set yet. Check the blog for updates.

Other Events:
Possible field trip to the Virtual Reality Lab and maybe a trip to Calabash.

Goofy Questions:
Kristine has e-mailed the questions to the producer, Tamara Boutcher, of the Goofy short of "How to Hook Up Your Home Theater" We will post the Q&A here.

Flip Books:
I am just going to shoot and post what has been done and if you guys still want to include yours let me know when it will be done and I will do another composite.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov. Meeting Update

There's been a change of plans for tomorrow's meeting. Katy will be giving us a presentation of medical animation. Patrick will give a demonstration on Flash next month. See you there! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bill Plympton

Just a reminder- Bill Plympton's Secret Premiere is tomorrow night at 10 pm at the Music Box.

more info on this previous post: http://wiachicago.blogspot.com/2007/10/bill-plymptons-secret-premier.html

Monday, November 5, 2007

Nov. Meeting

Hi. The next meeting is next Wednesday, Nov. 14th at 6pm at Columbia College- 4th floor- room 401H at the 1104 S. Wabash building. (animation offices) Patrick, a Chicago freelance Flash animator, might be giving a Flash demonstration if he gets his laptop fixed in time. (It had a little accident!) Otherwise he'll give the demonstration at the Dec. meeting.

Hope to see you all there!

Friday, November 2, 2007

State Fair

If anyone wants to come to my show here's the ticket order form:


Opening night is November 10th and it runs on the weekends through November 25th. Let me know if you're coming!
